Saturday, September 29, 2012

Trust: Baby Steps

We've been talking all month about what God is really like.  Challenging our misconceptions and going to the Word to see who God says He is.  We've learned that He is Creator, and therefore He makes the rules that we live by.  We also learned that He hates pride, because pride motivates us to do what we want to do, rather than live according to God's plan.

This week we are learning that we can trust God. 

Trust: Confident reliance on the truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

A baby relies on its parents for survival.  And we should rely on God in the same way.  But a baby doesn't really trust its parents.  It isn't confident that they will meet its needs.  Instead baby's scream and cry about every little thing as if it were the end of the world. 

When it comes to trusting God we should have confidence that He will do everything He promises to do. But how do we get there?

A baby grows up, he has experiences that show him that he can trust God.  But relying on our own experiences can be dangerous when it comes to God, because we lack perspective.  Just like a baby may not understand why something is happening, we don't always understand. 

So how do we trust if we don't understand?

Get to know God for who He says He is.  Don't trust solely in experience, or what you've heard, but get to know Him the way He wants to be known.  He left you a 66 book love letter.  Hundreds of pages of who He is and why He is trustworthy in His own words.

Peter tells us that "Like newborn babies" we should, "Crave pure spiritual milk." By reading God's words, and coming to know Him on an intimate personal basis, the Bible tell us we will 'grow up' in our salvation.

So what do you crave?  Do you Crave 'pure spiritual milk',or is there something else?  Maybe you crave good things, like straight A's, championship games, and great friends.  Or maybe you are like me and crave entertainment, a good book or movie, something tasty to eat, and whatever else will make you happier in the moment. 

Think about the things you enjoy most and ask yourself, "Do I really crave God like I crave my favorite things?" 

If you struggle to really crave God, then spend some time with Him. Right after telling us to 'crave pure spiritual milk', Peter tells us to "taste and see that the Lord is good".  

It is worth it.  But don't take my word for it.  Trust and see. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


What are you proud of?  I mean really proud of? 

I love hearing from my teens and catching up on their lives.  This is the main reason that we devote about 1/3 of our weekly time together to just "hanging out".  We need a chance to catch up on whats important, since we don't see each other everyday. 

Usually I hear about the important stuff like this:
  • My brother and I were playing Madden and...
  • I made the team...
  • I got my driver's permit/license...
  • I passed my test...
  • I made 20 new facebook friends...

Sometimes I hear about things that really matter like this:
  • I got tickets to the concert!
  • I'm going to a Pats game!
  • I got a new Ipod!
  • I scored x number of points!
  • I'm dating this new person!
  • I got accepted to 3 colleges!

I really love hearing about this stuff, and I'm not making fun of any of it, even the Madden stuff...  I really do specifically set aside time in each week so that each student will have time to tell me, or one of the other small group leaders what happened this week that mattered most.  I just wonder how often we stop and wonder if what is important to us is the same stuff that would matter to God.

Here's a few things I have heard recently that I think God would be really proud of:
  • I got a purity ring, but when I try to explain it to people at school they make fun of me.
  • Our teacher thinks aliens made people, but my friends, come to me with questions about God because of what I say in class.
  • I had this awesome conversation about God with my friend from school.
  • This guy I really liked, said he wouldn't date me because of my purity ring.
  • I skipped practice to be here.
Here's what I know.  "We were created to pursue an authentic relationship with our Creator."  The things we do that move us closer to God, are the things we can be proud of, but the other stuff... Well that's a bit tougher.

Saul was a guy who had every reason to be proud of himself.  By the standards of his culture he was a rock star.  But God had to take it all away, even his name, and remake him.  Saul, later known as Paul, said this,  "Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, For his sake I have thrown away everything else, counting it all as garbage."

What matters most to you? What are you proud of?  What have you thrown away so that you could follow Jesus?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Schedule Change and Update

A new school year means we are all a little older and hopefully getting a little wiser.  As your youth ministry team gets better at working together hopefully we get a little wiser too! 

Here is run down on a few things that being 'refined' at 24/7.

1. Schedule.  We are going to start at 5:30 instead of 6:00.  We will still get done at 8:00.

2. Small Groups. After a combined Jr. & Sr. High time of food, fun and fellowship, we will be splitting into small group for our weekly Bible Studies. Each Small group will last 8 weeks, and will discuss a particular topic or passage of scripture.  This will allow us to focus on things that are relevant to your life, rather than trying to find one topic that will reach everyone from 6-12th grade. 

For some small groups you'll have options of which one you pick.  Others will have restrictions, like, Senior High only, Jr. High only, Girls only or Guys only.

Your first Choices will be:
"Christianity 101"
"Purity" - Girls only
"Be a Man" - Guys only

NOTE:  The youth ministry team reserves the right to 'assign' you to the group that we think will best meet your spiritual needs. This is just a precaution, because (using sarcastic voice) we know that no one in our  youth group would EVER choose what group to be in just because of which friends are going to that group. (end Sarcasm)

3. Youth Group on Facebook.  We have a group on facebook and it is a great place for you to find out the details about upcoming events, and stay connected with friends.  If you are on facebook, and are not already a member of that group but want the details, message me, and let me know.  If you are not on facebook, don't worry, I'll have all of the same info here on the Blog.

4. Announcements.  Mom and Dad, this one is for you.  The last 15 minutes of each Saturday Night 24/7 will be set aside for announcements about upcoming or events or ongoing projects.  Please feel free to pop in and join us, so that you'll be well informed.

5. Bible Study.  We are opening our Wednesday afternoon Bible to all Sr. High Students who would like to attend.  We meet from 3:30 - 4:30 every Wednesday.  We go verse by verse through the Bible and pray for each other.   We are currently studying the book of John, and will be starting chapter 8 this week. 
WARNING: If you come, you'll be expected to do the following: Read out loud, Pray out loud, Ask questions when you don't understand something, and Share your thoughts and experiences.

6. Drama. We had a blast with the drama team this summer, and we have lots of opportunities to do more, both here at CBC and hopefully elsewhere.  If we have enough interested students (meaning 4 or more) we will start a weekly Drama team, Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30.  Call, Text or E-mail Charlie if you are interested.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

God Rules

Have you ever had that moment with your parents where you have been debating one of their rules, and why you have to do it their way?  If your teen years are anything like mine, then you will have a conversation that ends with your mom or dad saying something like this, "It is my house and as long as you are living under my roof you are going to follow my rules". 

For me this conversation happened a couple of times, but the one I most vividly remember was when I was 19.  I had spend a semester away at college in Boston, but it was too expensive, and I had come home with about 27 cents to my name and enrolled at UMaine.  To save money I was going to live at home.  I had no car, so to get to school I had to borrow my dad's pickup.  Again to save money I figured eating their food was a good idea.

I had spent months answerable only to myself, now I was back to depending on mom and dad for food, shelter and transportation.  Interestingly enough, there were strings attached.

If I wanted to use the car, I had to be willing to drive my 3 little sisters around.
If I wanted a place to live, I had to respect a curfew.
If I wanted to be fed, I had to ask before inviting people over.

Rules...  Someone else's rules!  The horror!

The fact of the matter was, these were really simple rules, but after having lived with basically no rules for a few months, I was aghast at the thought of having someone tell me what I couldn't and couldn't do.  But I obeyed.  Not because I was a thoughtful caring person. Not because I knew that God commanded that I honor my father and mother.  No, I obeyed for one simple reason.

I followed their rules because I wanted to use their stuff.

Now read Genesis 1:1 - and for good measure read Job 12:10, Isaiah 42:5 and Acts 17:24-28

If God made everything, including me, doesn't he have a right to tell me what rules I must follow if I want to use what He has given me?  (in case you are not sure, the answer is YES)

Jesus said that all of God's rules can be summed up into one: Love Him, with all of your Heart Soul Mind and Strength, and Love your neighbor as yourself.

But what does that look like? 

Jesus said, If you love me you will obey my commandments, and "a knew command I give you, love each other as I have loved you."

In 2nd John 6 we read "And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments"

And in 1st John 5:2 we read "by this we know that love the children of God, when we love God and observe His commandments." and vs. 3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome."

Whoa...  the greatest commandments is to love God, and the way I love God is to obey His commandments?  the 2nd greatest commandment is to love my neighbor as myself and to do that I must love God and observe His commandments. 

So... Rules, obedience?  Yuck, right?  Ummm, remember, 1st John 5:3b "His commandments are not burdensome"  But they feel like a burden sometimes right? I know I've thought, "I can't do what I want to do, because I have to follow God's rules..." 

There is a dilemma here, and it is one we'll be talking about all month at 24/7.