This week we are learning that we can trust God.
Trust: Confident reliance on the truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
A baby relies on its parents for survival. And we should rely on God in the same way. But a baby doesn't really trust its parents. It isn't confident that they will meet its needs. Instead baby's scream and cry about every little thing as if it were the end of the world.
When it comes to trusting God we should have confidence that He will do everything He promises to do. But how do we get there?
A baby grows up, he has experiences that show him that he can trust God. But relying on our own experiences can be dangerous when it comes to God, because we lack perspective. Just like a baby may not understand why something is happening, we don't always understand.
So how do we trust if we don't understand?
Get to know God for who He says He is. Don't trust solely in experience, or what you've heard, but get to know Him the way He wants to be known. He left you a 66 book love letter. Hundreds of pages of who He is and why He is trustworthy in His own words.
Peter tells us that "Like newborn babies" we should, "Crave pure spiritual milk." By reading God's words, and coming to know Him on an intimate personal basis, the Bible tell us we will 'grow up' in our salvation.
So what do you crave? Do you Crave 'pure spiritual milk',or is there something else? Maybe you crave good things, like straight A's, championship games, and great friends. Or maybe you are like me and crave entertainment, a good book or movie, something tasty to eat, and whatever else will make you happier in the moment.
Think about the things you enjoy most and ask yourself, "Do I really crave God like I crave my favorite things?"
If you struggle to really crave God, then spend some time with Him. Right after telling us to 'crave pure spiritual milk', Peter tells us to "taste and see that the Lord is good".
It is worth it. But don't take my word for it. Trust and see.